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The best selling maths games for primary school students.

There’s a seemingly endless supply of past papers (and is no exception 🙂 ), but sometimes it just helps to take a break and [easyazon_link keywords=”maths game” locale=”UK” tag=”matwra-21″]play a maths game[/easyazon_link] … or probably any game.

I’m sure that many students, faced with the prospect of yet another ‘arithmetic’ or ‘reasoning’ paper, would much prefer to [easyazon_link keywords=”maths games” locale=”UK” tag=”matwra-21″]roll a dice[/easyazon_link] or [easyazon_link keywords=”maths games” locale=”UK” tag=”matwra-21″]build something out of plastic[/easyazon_link]. And that’s a good thing – pretty much most board or construction games teach valuable skills:

As well as being great fun, [easyazon_link keywords=”an educational ‘maths game'” locale=”UK” tag=”matwra-21″]an educational ‘maths game'[/easyazon_link] can encourage even the most reluctant student to see real life applications. Grappling with the latest reasoning paper can be dry and dull, particularly if there are limited resources. The recent change in KS2 papers are a prime example. I’m sure that things will catch up, but one of my students recently complained they’d ‘done this four times already!’ It seems that enthusiastic teachers, parent, tutor and website had all offered the same materials.

From counting, addition, subtraction and fractions all the way to dealing with money, here’s some great resources to help embed a student’s learning:


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