There are a few ways of learning how to calculate percentages of whole numbers ..
.. although this video shows how to calculate percentages by converting to fractions and then cross division.
‘Percentage’ means ‘out of 100.’ Therefore we can use the idea of ‘equivalent fractions’ to make the numbers smaller and easier to deal with.
So 12% is exactly the same as 12/100; which is equivalent to 6/50 or 3/25.
Any number can be written as divided by 1.
So 50 is the same as 50/1 – we then use cross division to make a calculation.
The key points to remember are:
- ‘whatever we do to the top, we have to do to the bottom.’
- don’t forget that ‘of” always means ‘multiply.’
Finally, not all questions require you to answer as a decimal – it’s perfectly OK to leave as a fraction (providing you make sure it’s as small as possible).
This is a popular method that is taught in schools:
Why are percentages important?
Most of everyday life involves percentages, usually as a comparison.
For instance 30% discount seems a much better deal than 10%… or does it? (you really need to work out the actual price you pay).
Generally we tend to mix and match between fractions and percentages. Although it’s the same thing, 30% seems a lot friendlier than a discount of 3/10ths !
Watch the videos on YouTube:
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your a lifesaver
if you don’t simplify would it be correct?
Thank you:)
Why not just leave it as 50/200x 100= 25? Why add another whole step?
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! Really appreciate it!
You’re an awesome teacher, yeah I totally forgot how to do this also I
guess as a suggestion you could have simplified the end i.e. 36/5 by doing
36/10 then multiplying it by 2? I guess if your math is decent then long
division should be fine but I find it easier to do it that way?
I guess the suggestion is for your students, seeing your math is really
Thank you sir Simon Deacon for helping me answering my Ass.
thank you
Just letting you know that your final equation (37% of 600) was off by a
count of 60. You said 3 times 10% but only added it up to 120 rather than
180. Perfect bar that wee slip of the tongue.
You can do canceling. Example you divide 20 to 10. You can see there’s one
0 to 10 so your just gonna cancel how many zeros are there? Is it right?
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant just what I needed thankyou so much 🙂
Great help
best method, best way no doubt :D.
Number and Algebra – completed
Geometry and Measure – Completed
Statistics and Number – Tuesday 17th June 2014
The statistics and numbers is the one i fear very badly ): I will not do
good and it will reduce my grade by 50% lol
Excellent. Good for last minute revision!
U cud of just cancel out by 20 in the first place and 60 would have become
3 and the 100 would become 5 .
Thank you soooo much I am only in year 4 but I got level 5 questions during
the holidays and percentages was one of them
Thank you soooo much I am only in year 4 but I got level 5 questions during
the holidays and percentages was one of them
Can you tell me as I cannot find it anywhere.. How do you work out the
percentage difference between a number? Preferably on a calculator. For
example, calculate the difference between 5.0 and 5.4 as a percentage.
Thank u sooo mch…I forget it cause my exam was going tonbe the follow day
soo I got stree and forget abt it
Better than my teacher
this is a bullsh*t method
Thanks ALOT. By the looks of things I am going to be checking out quite a
few of your vids
Thanks ur videos are really helping me in order to revise for my gcse mock
exam as I’m doing foundation for me to do higher have to pass foundation
I’m really grateful you explanations are much easier to understand
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Please post, pin, tweet, like or subscribe!
thank you Mr you really helped me with this and thought me a very simple way in working out percentages ….. thanks alot
not bad at all-
Thanks – really appreciate comment 🙂
Great Vid!
Thank you 🙂
Excellent video!
your amazing